
La diplomatie de l'eau pour la paix au Sahel et en Afrique de l'Ouest

Since 2018, we have been facilitating a dialogue on “Water as Driver of Peace in the Sahel,” engaging actors from development, humanitarian, peacebuilding and security sectors. By applying the framework of the Global High-Level Panel on Water and Peace to the multifaceted crisis impacting the Sahel region, the Geneva Water Hub and its strategic partners have undertaken efforts to explore how water can be used as an entry point to prevent and transform conflicts at local, intersectoral and transboundary levels.
Empowering Local Actors on Water Cooperation Towards Social Cohesion
Empowering Local Actors on Water Cooperation Towards Social Cohesion
Recognizing the shared view that intercommunity conflicts exacerbate insecurity and state destabilization, we consider strengthening local resilience crucial for sustainable peace.-
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Areal Senegal
Transboundary Basin Organizations for Peace
At the Geneva Water Hub, we recognize that river basin organizations are more than just technical water management bodies; they can also serve as catalysts for local and regional peace. We work to enhance the capacities of these organizations so they can effectively fulfill their crucial role.-
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Dakar Bay
The Dakar Water Hub - Pôle Eau Dakar
We believe that effective water diplomacy requires dynamic leadership and a deep understanding of local contexts to address the complex challenges of water resources.-
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