
Massive Online Open Courses (MOOCs)

The Geneva Water Hub has played a pivotal role in conceiving, developing, and delivering three Massive Online Open Courses (MOOCs). With a collective enrollment surpassing 58 000 students on the Coursera platform, our commitment to expanding both our offerings and impact remains unwavering. We continue to shape the landscape of online education, empowering a diverse global audience with knowledge and insights that contribute to a sustainable and peaceful water future.
Gestion Eau
Water Resource Management
This MOOC aims to cultivate a deep understanding of the complexities surrounding water management by examining the various uses of water, associated activities, and potential conflicts, and deriving comprehensive water management strategies based on rights and obligations analysis. -
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Droit Eau
International Water Law
This MOOC provides a comprehensive introduction to international water law, focusing on the regulation of transboundary freshwater resources, including rivers, lakes, and aquifers. -
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Water Cooperation and Diplomacy
This MOOC, designed for students, professionals, academics, and policymakers engaged in water cooperation and diplomacy, aims to deepen participants' understanding and enhance their capacities to engage effectively in water cooperation and diplomacy processes.-
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