
Alliance mondiale pour préserver l'eau des conflits armés

L'Alliance mondiale pour épargner l'eau des conflits armés galvanise les efforts visant à protéger la dignité humaine des populations touchées par les conflits armés. L'alliance diffusera les outils juridiques et techniques existants pour la protection de l'eau douce et des installations connexes contre les conflits armés.

L'Alliance mondiale pour épargner l'eau des conflits armés galvanise les efforts visant à protéger la dignité humaine des populations touchées par les conflits armés. L'alliance diffusera les outils juridiques et techniques existants pour la protection de l'eau douce et des installations connexes contre les conflits armés.

Areas of current and future potential collaboration among key stakeholders include:  

  • Promoting understanding of the far-reaching consequences of attacks and military use of freshwater and water-related installations on the populations and the environment.
  • Proposing actions that parties to armed conflicts can take to further strengthen the protection ensured by international law, including dissemination of International Humanitarian Law (IHL), engaging armed non-state actors, promoting good practices and lessons learned.
  • Promoting the implementation of Resolutions 2417 (2018) and 2573 (2021) adopted by the Security Council, the Political Declaration on Strengthening the Protection of Civilians from the Humanitarian Consequences arising from the use of Explosive Weapons in Populated Areas (2022) and other relevant instruments.  
  • Exploring the possibility for an inter-governmental political ‘Declaration for sparing water from armed conflicts’ which provides states the opportunity to reaffirm their commitment to spare water in armed conflicts, to deter its use as a means or method of warfare.
  • Developing analysis on the potential roles of the United Nations General Assembly, Security Council and Human Rights Council in promoting the protection of water and in facilitating preventive ‘operation and maintenance’ of water and water-related infrastructure in times of conflict for humanitarian and development actors.

Téléchargez tous les documents d'appui pour en savoir plus sur la « Global Alliance to Protect Water from Armed Conflicts » ici : 



GASWAC Support Leaflet  GASWAC FAQ Leaflet  

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